Monday, January 9, 2012

6 degrees farenheit! Shorts and tshirt time!!! hahaha!

They said this week past week was supposed to warm up. Whoever forecasted that should be fired. It was in the -20's and -30's all week with wind chills in the -50's and -60's and even the -70's one night! It has been so cold the cd player won't work! Today feels so good though! I am pretty happy with the warm up! it was 6 degrees today. We played basketball with the kids in neighborhood for 3 1/2 hours today. It was lots of fun. I taught myself to shoot left handed this past week and I can make 3's and free throws and stuff. Having a basketball court outside of my room is awesome! I am getting into shape as well. I am down to 175 now.
There isn't really much to tell yall about this week. Nothing terribly exciting happened. This week we ran out of water! Yay! They deliver water to the church twice a week and they didn't fill it up on Saturday because the nozzle or something was frozen. that was pretty not cool! My camera cord still isn't here so I can't send any pictures yet. We are currently having a blizzard right now. It's pretty cool, it's not one of those terrible ones to where you won't be able to go out and do anything.
We went to the library and did service again on Wednesday and on Thursday we went and helped with Bingo again. That was an interesting one. The lady I was helping this time suddenly just went to sleep on the couch, like fell onto the couch knocked out. I wasn't sure whether to be worried or just not say anything. I asked them if this was normal and apparently it is so that was a relief. Nobody I helped won this week though. I like helping out there, the people are very nice and the residents are pretty funny.
We spoke in church this past Sunday. Elder Shumway gave the talk he gave when he left for his mission, it was pretty good. I was going to try and do the same, but I decided to just write down 5 points and talk about them. I picked that up from you dad. It was pretty cool. I ended up talking about a story I heard about someone following Christ on the beach. I'll tell it to you.
There was a man who saw Christ walking along the water on the sandy beach and ran and followed him. After a while of following he says "Is it always gonna be this hard to follow you?". Christ turns to him and says "What if it is?". It's just a short little story and it has a lot of meaning. What are you willing to do to follow the Savior? What if it is always hard? Would you still do it? I know I would! He has done so much for me in my short life and He has been everywhere that anybody will ever go. No one is EVER alone. He is always there for us! All we have to do is what Peter did when he walked on water towards Christ. “But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. “And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?"

I love my mission and the things I am learning! I learn so much from others and they don't even know it! There is a song with the lyrics "When I see others begin to change, I know I'll never be the same!". I don't look forward to the day that I have to leave this place that I have grown to love so much, but I do look forward to seeing my family again. I hope this finds yall well and that you always look forward in life. Trust in the Lord and then go and do what he asks you to do!! I love yall and I hope to hear from yall soon!

Elder Taylor Bowes 

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