We were here emailing and a member that we have never met came and he served his mission in NC and knows Elder Loftus, Ross, King and many others. He is pretty cool! I'm pretty excited about that right now.
This week was an absolute blast! We have been so busy. Monday a member bought us a membership to the Canada Games Center and bought us a punch card for 10 times so we don't have to pay to play there. We have been playing there consistently and have gotten a few people to come play with us cause they know they will have a good workout. We were gonna play today, but Elder Johnson rolled his ankle pretty badon Saturday and his ankle is weak now.
Usually Tuesday and Wednesday are our slow days, but this week it was pretty opposite. We had President Little come to a lesson with us and lets just say he knows his scriptures. He was taking us all over the place, but I didn't mind at all. I think I learned more than Brenda, our investigator, did.
Wednesday we finished up the snowman that we have been working on for about a month. We had Sister Guevera, she says she isn't a professional painter, but she is so good. Brother McCracken built us a frame and stand for it. The museum loved it. It was way more than they expected. I attached a picture of it.
Thursday we did service basically all day. We helped put styrofoam in a crawl space to seal it and make the house warmer. Also it was Thanksgiving and the Thompson's had us over. We stayed there for about 4 hours. The Thompson's daughter Nicole came up for Thanksgiving. Prior to her coming we made plans to prank her twice. I couldn't really be a part of it because she has skyped at supper time and had already met me. Sister Thompson told Nicole before she came home that one of the Elders was a little slow. Elder Duncan pretended to be slow and then Elder Norris pretended to be a new missionary and it was his first holiday away from home. So we all got there and were acting everything and when she met Elder Duncan he said hi in his slow voice which was perfect. Her face turned away from him and she was like omg what do I do... She bought it! He kept it up til after the other Elders got there and we had Sister Thompson ask Elder Norris all these questions about home and what he thought about it. Then Nicole said "Stop you're gonna make him cry.", the whole time this was going on Elder Norris was making his face red and sad looking and then all of a sudden got up and slammed the chair under the table and ran to the bathroom 'crying'. Everyone kept a straight face and acted shocked and Nicole completely bought it! Elder Norris stayed in the bathroom and made the crying sound and everything and Elder Johnson acted as the caring companion and went and tried to calm him down and stuff. Elder Johnson apologized and said that they were gonna have to leave and have to come get some food later. So they left and were yelling and fake arguing on the way to the truck and got in the truck and drove around the block and came running back in yellin "Got ya!" haha Nicole was so mad. It was hilarious. So then we waited about 10 minutes and we had Elder Duncan end his slow act and ask her all these questions and then ended his act by saying "Nicole, never try to prank the missionaries". It was perfect cause she tries to prank the missionaries all the time. I wish we had a video recording of Elder Norris and Elder Johnson. After that we played Monopoly and Nicole lost so she didn't even get to redeem herself. It was a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Friday was a pretty slow day.
Saturday we did service allll day. We didn't even dress in the normal attire.
Church was great Sunday with awesome talks by the members and then we kept very busy the rest of the day. I will have to start saying goodbye to people here as some people are leaving for christmas time soon and I will be gone before they leave. I have grown to love this place and the people here as well. They take great care of us.
I hope yall are doing well and that yall are enjoying this great time of year. Remember why we have Christmas and celebrate it the right way remembering our Savior!
Love yall!
-Elder Taylor Bowes
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